Feedback is such an important part of the design process, yet giving and receiving feedback can often be a challenge to navigate. At Paliant Design, we make every effort to keep communication open and to provide effective solutions to your brief. We understand there will always be changes, big or small, throughout a project and pride ourselves on interpreting and implementing these changes to achieve your ultimate vision. Sometimes the first round is to work out what you want versus what you don’t want without you even realising. Visualising versus putting it in a visual form is all about perspective and understanding of a brief.
At Paliant Design, we always take care in understanding your brief and conveying our concepts and designs clearly and effectively to avoid miscommunication or confusion. We will always go the extra mile when proofing to ensure each option is easily identified, giving you a clean and easy way to review and return your feedback. This makes the revision process a seamless experience for both parties.
In times where more complicated feedback is required, we often take the time to liaise with our clients on the effects of the changes, and offer options before proceeding. We are always looking for ways to keep the process clear and concise! This way, we are always working towards the best outcome for all of our clients.
New projects, however daunting, are an exciting time! We aim to keep it that way!