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Taking a break

By October 22, 2021No Comments

Is it just us or are you getting tired of all the fear mongering the media is causing? It’s one thing to be informed and consume factual information from credible sources, but another to be constantly bombarded with content and articles surrounding current situations.

Our self care tip is to take some time out from social media and the news if you can. It is amazing how you actually need a mental break from the hype, even just for a day. The benefits can be so rewarding!

Try having breakfast outside instead of watching the morning news, or pick up that book that’s been waiting patiently. It is important to just do something for you, something that allows you to feel clarity and restores energy reserves to enable you to be ready for whatever is to come. Be kind to yourself!

Whatever life may throw at you, remember to always take care of yourself. Don’t neglect your mental health, it is just as important as your physical health.


For a quick self care break – we created this nifty little breathing exercise!