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The Rise of the Email Signature

By February 9, 2022No Comments

Lately, we have had an influx of requests for branded email signatures. As crazy as it sounds to get your e-signature designed, it’s actually crazier to not have a well designed email signature these days!

Your email signature is a really important part of your brand! It could be your first point of contact or a follow up email after a meeting and business card exchange. An email signature is a constant reminder of your brand to your current or prospective clients. It is a small detail that when viewed in conjunction with all of your other branded material can really reinforce your brand consistency.

Email signatures are a fantastic, cost-effective, branding tool that don’t take long to revamp!

Think about all the emails you send and receive on any given day – a lot I bet! Now think about the impression your email leaves. Does your email signature contain your logo? Does it include your brand colours? Are there links to your website or social media accounts?

If you answered no to any of these questions, why not consider upgrading your email signature? Take a look at our email signature below for inspiration!

Such a simple thing can add so much value to your brand and really nothing should be overlooked. The ‘this will do’ attitude should be avoided. Your brand presence has such an impact, why would you miss any opportunity to create it!