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5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t DIY Your Logo

By February 2, 2020No Comments

They say first impressions are everything, they’re right!

Logo design can be something you might not want to spend the big bucks on, but in reality..

A logo is at the forefront of who you are, what your business stands for, and essentially the foundation for success.

We understand everyone has different ideas in how they want to achieve their goals, and these goals generally have a budget! Even a small budget can provide a nicer foundation for your business than a DIY, Microsoft Word clipart logo. What price do you put on success?

Below we explain 5 reasons why you shouldn’t ‘do-it-yourself’.

  1. Face of your business.
    You’ve drawn a logo and scanned it into the computer. It looks good on the screen but now you’ve printed some business cards and it looks blurry… uh oh. DIY logos can often lack quality, and why is quality important? A business logo is at the forefront of a business. It tells a story of who you are, what you stand for, and is how potential customers identify you against competitors.
  2. Timeless.
    A hand drawn logo or DIY logo might suit your business needs today but what happens when trends and technology changes? The reality is, these aspects are changing all the time and it is important to keep up with competitors. A well designed logo is timeless and remains classic for years to come as colours and fonts have been carefully considered.
  3. Branding.
    A logo should be reflective of business values and encapsulate what your business is about. Choice of colour and typefaces should be carefully considered in achieving the desired perception from potential customers about your business. For example, an organic farming company using red and bold fonts doesn’t really translate does it?
  4. Versatility.
    When people consider doing a DIY logo, they forget the need for versatility. Sure you just need something quick to put on a business card but what about when you need the same logo for building signage? Or how to fit a vertical shaped logo into a horizontal space? A professional graphic designer understands these needs from the beginning and ensures designs can be easily transfered to other media, simply and easily.
  5. Return on investment.
    So your logo cost $99 online, great right? Sure it might be a quick turnaround, give you something to use on your website but, what happens when you need different logo formats for use on signage, or print advertisements, etc? More often than not, cheap DIY logos are not sustainable for future use and create more hassles down the track. Investing money in a good quality logo by a designer ensures you are giving your business the best chance at success. Designers work with you to create a logo that represents all that your business is about and equips you with the right materials to continue to promote your business into the future.

It is always up to each individual and personal choice as to whether you DIY logo or hire a professional. We hope to have given you food for thought when entering into a new business and understanding the need for a strong brand identity from the start.