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My time at Paliant Design

By July 14, 2021September 19th, 2023No Comments


Hi I’m Rowena, I just completed my internship at Paliant Design. If you had met me four years ago it would have been in a very different setting…

Fast forward to 2021, I’m in my final year at the University of Adelaide, studying Bachelor of Media (Graphic Design) and have been delighted to undergo an internship with Alice at Paliant Design.

My time at Paliant Design has provided me with a variety of hands-on challenges and opportunities, making me a better designer. I was so keen to learn from a designer who has extensive experience in the industry and being immersed in a busy studio environment helped me implement the theory and skills learned at University, into a studio and business environment.

I learned so much by receiving feedback on my work and engaging in conversations about design briefs. I have been able to learn about the art of creating impactful logos for brand identity success, produce brochures that capture attention with well-placed visual elements, and create engaging social media posts that stand out in a saturated online environment.

Four years ago, it was such a different story. I was working as a coordinator for a community services program. Occasionally I would get the opportunity to design basic promotional material and found myself thoroughly enjoying the process. When the organisation went through a rebrand, I was fascinated about the logo design and brand strategy. I decided to take a leap, quit my job and study graphic design! The reality of being a mature age student meant that I, and my family, had to make a lot of sacrifices and it was a huge change to my life. This experience has given me a practical insight into the graphic design and visual communication industry and has confirmed that my career shift and sacrifices made were well worth it.

Working with and learning from the fabulous Alice, Chloe, and Leah has been so valuable.

Thank you Paliant Design for this wonderful opportunity!






Rowena Garcia
University of Adelaide