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An Easter Treat – Choc Chip Cookies

By April 9, 2020No Comments

With what seems like will be many days at home to come – I thought I’d share this choc chip recipe I used with my kids a few days ago. They loved it!

Such a simple way to keep them busy and get a delicious treat at the end! We made enough to sink a ship and the kids loved delivering them to neighbours and friends.

Choc Chip + Macadamia (or any nut) Cookies


250g butter
1 cup Caster Sugar
1 Cup Firmly Packed Brown Sugar
2 Eggs
3 1/2 Cup SR Flour
400g Dark Chocolate
1 Cup Macadamia nuts (or any nuts you prefer)


1. Mix Butter and Sugar
2. Add eggs and mix
3. Add flour
4. Add Chocolate + Nuts
5. Roll with cookie + flatten slightly
6. Bake for 10- 15 minutes or until lightly brown
